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Life Purpose Mastery Coaching

Hi there. Do any of these questions speak to you?
  1. Are you feeling restless? Like you have more to offer the world, but aren’t exactly sure WHAT you want to contribute, or HOW to go about it?
  2. Do you want a different (better) life but don’t know where to start?
  3. Do you have dreams that you cannot let go from your heart, but feel trapped in your current realities?
  4. Do you find yourself overwhelmed by all the conflicting messages on how to truly live your life purpose?
  5. Are you ready to let go of your own and other people’s expectations of what you SHOULD be doing, so you can discover who you are and what you’re MEANT to create, contribute, and achieve?
The Purpose Mastery coaching programs lets you Discover Yourself at the deepest level. It covers the A-Z of desiring, finding, living and maximising your life purpose.
You will explore at the deepest level:
  • mindset change and confidence development
  • identifying and discovering your life purpose
  • discovering and crafting your unique message that makes you stand out
  • crafting authentic vehicles to monetize your purpose
  • creating a solid plan for living a limitless, fulfilled life.
The clarity and confidence you gain from this coaching, will change your life permanently.


  1. Below are 3 options that have been carefully crafted to meet you at one of the three places you’re most likely to be on your journey.
  2. If you need the A-Z of this coaching. Request the 3rd package.
  3. If you start with the first package and then decide you’d like to go deeper, you can sign up again for the next level or levels up.
  4. If you’d like to discuss your desires, goals, and dreams and see the potential to achieve them prior to committing, or you’d like to see if I am the right coach for you or what benefits a purpose coach can add to your life please book a clarity call using any of the buttons on this page.
  5. If you are ready to book, use the buttons below your chosen coaching and I will get in touch personally to set up a clarity call so we can explore what you’d like to achieve.
If you are ready for the kind of change and success that gives your spiritual, financial and creative freedom to transform your life, impact your loved ones and impact your world in a meaningful way, choose your best coaching program below to get started.
I AM WORTH IT – Coaching
Set Free the Confident Person You Were Born to Be, and Live the On-Purpose Life You Deserve

Begin here if, in order to move forward you need support to:

  • Build or regain self-confidence
  • Build or regain self- belief
  • Reframe adversity
  • Challenge yourself to rewire your mindset to knowing you are worthy of living a fulfilled life and worthy of achieving massive success.

Becoming self-confident is important because it helps you create the quality of life you deserve and become the best version of yourself. Self-confidence is proven to reduce stress and anxiety, to help you tackle life’s challenges with more certainty and ease, to feel healthier overall, and to get better sleep. But most importantly, it unleashes your personal power to make your life a masterpiece.

You may have experienced great adversities and mishaps that have conditioned you to limit your thinking, feel discouraged and feel unworthy of being great.

However, the fact you are reading this, tells me you are ready for more even if you don’t yet know how to achieve it.

From being abused, to having a conviction, to not liking the way you look; whatever it is that you believe to be the thing that is impacting you most,  that is where we will focus most of our attention.

Your story makes you the person you are. However, there are more than ways to view your story.

This program will inspire and empower you to:

  • Overcome discouragement
  • Overcome limiting beliefs
  • Reframe the way you see yourself, your story and your possibilities
  • Open a world of possible ways to use your story as a platform to serve others, feel fulfilled and enjoy meaningful success.

Some of the greatest success stories were birth from a place of deep pain.

Imagine a life where you would be 100% self-confident. You would dare to act for what is important to you. You would become someone people would be inspired by. You would be an example for people that you love. They would see your best self, your confident self. You would be able to achieve anything you want. How would that improve your life?

I can work with you in one of two ways on this program

Lite option – 21 days

This is option is best if there is only one area or goal with which you’d like support to get you moving in the right direction.

What’s included:

  • 1 x 30 minutes clarity call before we begin
  • 3 x 30 minutes call (1 each week)
  • Worksheets, affirmations and other exercises to complete between calls
  • Up to 2 weekly emails
  • Skype or WhatsApp text or voice note from me 3 times weekly
  • Several worksheets and a workbook that will help you to plan for the next 6-12 months and beyond

Investment:  £155 or $195

Full option – 6 weeks

What’s included:

  • 1 x 60 minutes clarity call before we begin
  • 540 minutes coaching call (90 minutes weekly)
  • Worksheets, affirmations and other exercises to complete between calls
  • Unlimited email support
  • Skype or WhatsApp text or voice note from me 3 times weekly
  • Several worksheets and a workbook that will help you to plan for the next 6-12 months and beyond

Investment: £420 – $525


This is for you if:

  • You are ready to deep dive into all things you and understand why you do, and think, and believe the things you do
  • You are ready to move into the I AM LIMITLESS mindset by eliminating limiting belief systems and rewriting empowering new ones
  • You are ready to set your intentions in a clear actionable plan and start taking action to bring your dreams to life.
  • You are ready to discover your unique message and your unique voice – define who you are here to serve, define your audience and define what vehicles can be used to deliver your message


The program will be in two parts.

In the first few weeks you will go on a journey of deep self-discovery from childhood to present day and beyond. In other words, we will briefly look backwards, then look inwards, then look at the here and now then look at your projection for your tomorrow.

This will give you the opportunity to:

  • Overcome internal conflict
  • Reframe negative experiences and take your power back
  • Craft a clear and meaningful statement of purpose for your life and a personal manifesto to use as a powerful declaration of intent
  • Benefit in numerous other ways not least of which is improving your overall well-being.

Discovering who you uniquely are, is like putting on a new pair of prescription glasses. Everything looks clearer and the possibilities become endless.

The second part of this program will focus on your unique message – define your audience and what vehicles can be used to deliver your message.

Your core message adds the definition to your purpose/calling and is the message that will be the underlying theme of everything you do. Your purpose/calling is not unique to you, but your message is.

YOUR message is not one you can copy from someone else or one THAT you decide. YOUR message is birth from within. It has your unique voice and is flavoured by your personal journey and your individual life experiences.  It is your message that decides your audience and your purpose/calling that decides your message. Not you.

If you are interested in quantum leaping your income whilst feeling fulfilled and being authentically you. Discovering, defining and maximising your unique message is a must.

I can work with you in one of two ways on this program. On it’s own or in combination with package 1

UNIQUELY Me Coaching – 12 weeks

This is option is best if you are a confident person that is fully ready to get ahead and therefore do not feel the need for program one.

What’s included:

  • 1 x 60 minutes clarity call before we begin
  • 1440 minutes coaching call (2hrs weekly)
  • Worksheets, affirmations and other exercises to complete between calls
  • Unlimited email support
  • Skype or WhatsApp text or voice note from me 3 times weekly
  • Several worksheets and a workbook that will help you to plan for the next 6-12 months and beyond
  • Statement of purpose
  • Blueprint review

Investment:  £720  –  $900

Combined Program 1 and 2 – 18 weeks

What’s included:

  • Program one full option benefits +
  • All of the above in Uniquely Me

Investment: £1080 – $1350

I AM Powerful and UNSTOPPABLE – Coaching
Mission impossible made possible and profitable
  • This coaching program also includes program one and two or program two – you decide, and is the one for rule breakers. Visionaries that cannot be tamed. Those you dare to think every single thing is possible.
  • Discover your authentic self, anchor your brand, and deliver something that’s genuine and purposeful.
  • Change gears to thinking exponentially. Understand there is no box and no boundaries
  •  Quantum leap your business or venture in six weeks only. Implement or execute magnificence on a daily basis
  • Think multiplication not addition.
  • If reading the above got you excited, then my dear sir and my dear lady, this one is for you.

Create a signature business that’s 100% you

Every human is capable of creating enough wealth to sustain themselves. However, most people do not dare to dream. Only a few people tap into this capability and when we do tap in, even fewer dig deep enough to develop their full potential.

Are you willing and ready to maximise your purpose and generate an awesome income?

This coaching is for you if you want to take the leap into becoming a successful entrepreneur.

It’s also designed for you if you have already started your entrepreneurial journey and have become “stuck”, or is facing obstacles, be it emotionally, psychologically or otherwise.

You must be ready to take action.

This program is intensive and will require ACTION. Lots of it. It’s six months to change the rest of your life. Commit, and this coaching will help you elevate your success to a level you never thought possible.

This coaching will be tailored to your venture and will help you:

  • Get clear about your business ideas and goals
  • know exactly what steps to take next
  • launch a start-up quickly or exponentially propel your existing business
  • navigate roadblocks, get unstuck, and strategize solutions
  • stop wasting time and laser focus on income producing results
  • identify your target market of ideal clients
  • write epic marketing copy that sells your product or service
  • set actionable short- and long-term goals and REACH THEM
  • master your mindset, stay motivated, and follow through

What would it mean to… Live Your Purpose, Be Your Best Self, and Lead a Life You Love? This could be your reality six short months from now.

Powerful and Unstoppable 6 months coaching

What’s included:

  • Programs 1 and 2 or Program 2
  • 1 x 60 minutes clarity call before we begin
  • 2hrs bi-weekly video or phone calls
  • Loads of worksheets, and actions/activities to complete between calls
  • Unlimited email support
  • Unlimited text support (if you have an idea or a question you can freely text. Let’s live in the moment if we can)
  • Several worksheets and a workbook that will help you to plan for the next 36 months and beyond
  • Statement of purpose
  • Business Blueprint
  • Marketing copy ang blueprint
  • And much much more

Your investment  £2500  – $3125